Carriers Map Day 2024 - 24, 25 de Septiembre
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Chilean government presents its Zero Digital Gap Plan 2022-2025, with a focus on areas without connectivity

The Government's plan, which was presented yesterday by the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Claudio Araya, and the Secretary General of the Government, Camila Vallejo, has as its main objective everyone in the country have access to connectivity regardless of where they live or their economic possibilities.

The plan is based on four fundamental axes, which point to multisectoral work focused on areas without connectivity, where municipalities will be central to raising the needs in each sector: Regulation for connectivity, Digital Infrastructure, Bills and Connectivity for everyone.

The axis "Regulation for connectivity" gathers all the bills that are under discussion in Congress -both from the legislative agenda promoted by Subtel and initiatives from past administrations- that aim to reduce differences and "level the playing field" in terms to have the same opportunities to access an Internet network.

“We have included the project promoted by our spokeswoman, Camila Vallejo, which guarantees quality internet connections to students and schools, and also the one promoted by the Subtel, which seeks to recognize internet access as a public service. Something that would end, for example, with the possibility that companies have today of leaving some sectors out of coverage, with the argument of not having "technical feasibility" or because they consider it unprofitable," said Undersecretary Araya.

The “Digital Infrastructure” axis groups the projects: Last Mile, which brings connectivity closer to rural and isolated areas; Connectivity for Education, which considers the connection of more than ten thousand schools in the country; and Fibras Ópticas Nacional, Austral and Tarapacá, which will connect regions, communes and localities throughout the country; Wifi Chilegob, and the 5G deployment, which includes social considerations that will benefit 366 localities in Chile with high-speed internet.

A third pillar is “Our Projects”, which highlights the creation of a State Telecommunications Company -whose organization is being defined, which will allow services to be offered in areas where there is little or no supply- and a Demand Subsidy.

The fourth axis, "Connectivity for all", aims to provide solutions for the "red zones" of cities, through different alternatives: Work with vulnerable municipalities; Tables against cable theft and vandalism; Internet cooperatives and other forms of citizen organization for Internet access; and Digital Literacy.

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