MWC GSMA 2025 - 3, 6 March
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Entel to invest US$2.100 bn in Chile and Peru until 2017

US$500 million will be assigned this year For the Chilean operation , which will contribute to an investment of US$1.450 billion until 2017, said at a press conference the president of the company, Juan Hurtado. It will be used to deploy LTE, for what is expected to obtain spectrum at 700 MHz, connectivity services over fiber optics and mobile network coverage, and improve the quality of Entel Hogar, among others.

In the case of Peru, US$250 million will be invested this year and US$650 million in total. They will be aimed at strengthening the commercial segment and expand coverage to add more users. Regarding the future 700 MHz tender in the country said: "We will definitely participate, although we have not seen the amount, it is a strategic asset for the company".

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