Convergencia Research, Consultoría especializada en Latinoamérica y Caribe
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Gabriel Boric becomes president of Chile together with 5G: What will happen in telecommunications?

In the same week that 5G technology was launched, the candidate of the left-wing Apruebo Dignidad bloc, Gabriel Boric, won the ballot by a large majority, with almost 56% of the votes. On the same day of the elections, a controversy was raised with the Minister of Transport and Telecommunications, Gloria Hutt, although it was not related to her management in telecommunications, but due to the lack of public transport that complicated the transfer in communes of middle and popular sectors from Santiago. There were suspicions, while in the Metropolitan region the majority vote in favor of the Frente Amplio deputy is concentrated, while the government coalition gave its support to the right-wing candidate José Antonio Kast. The minister denied at first that there was less transportation, although she later acknowledged that there was a noticeable decrease. She did not accept, however, that it was a government strategy.

Although Boric promises that the names of his cabinet will be known only in January, for the Transport and Telecommunications Ministry, the civil engineer of the Universidad de Chile and current project manager of the Planning Secretariat of Maipú, Cristóbal Pineda, who participated in the development of the sector program is mentioned; , and also the former director of Metropolitan Public Transport, Guillermo Muñoz.

Since Sunday, when he prevailed in the elections, Boric has not referred to his telecommunications program, although he ratified many of the commitments of his government program and his campaign. Among the programmatic definitions for the sector, it is proposed to modernize "the regulation of telecommunications operators, defining telecommunications as a basic service, which will force to improve coverage and service quality standards."

He also assures that they will establish a National Connectivity Registry, which will make it possible to identify excluded areas and encourage the entry of local operators such as SMEs, NGOs and municipalities, both through adequate regulatory schemes and by establishing subsidies that facilitate their participation.

With regard to rates, the program states, in addition to diversifying the offer and the market, subsidy mechanisms may be established for the accounts of families without the capability to pay.

Also mentioned is the project to establish a state company for the public provision of networks to be financed through the Telecommunications Development Fund. Boric proposes to deepen the regulation of infrastructure sharing, in the new state company as well as in the current operators.

On the other hand, it is planned to modernize the General Telecommunications Law and implement a new spectrum plan, which would modify, among other things, the scope of the licenses, increasing them from 30 to 15 years.

In his government plan, four lines of action are defined in the matter of communication: the development of a new system of public media; the strengthening of regional and local community media; the creation of a convergent regulator; and the promotion of measures to guarantee the rights of media and telecommunications workers.

Among the proposals is the strengthening of the role of Televisión Nacional de Chile, which will also provide telecommunications services. "The digital transformation of the State will be done through a State company, Televisión Nacional, which will participate in the deployment of fiber optics and also radio spectrum concessions, and will collaborate with its infrastructure and management to break the digital divide," as stated in Boric's plan.

As for the new convergent regulator, the plan mentions the Communications Regulatory Council, which would absorb the National Television Council and incorporate powers over the radio and telecommunications industry.

The youngest president-elect in the history of Chile will take office on March 11. The transition has already begun, when on Monday he visited the current president, Sebastián Piñera, at Palacio de La Moneda.

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