Redes de Gobierno 2024 - Lomas de Malbec
Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Update of personal data protection law enters the final stretch

Its main promoter is the Agency for Access to Public Information. The pillar of the project is the owner of the data as a subject entitled to rights, guaranteeing the exercise of the fundamental right of human persons. In addition, it seeks to deliver clear rules to firms whose main business is the management of people's data. Controversy over the sanctions proposed for non-compliers.

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Globales · Regulation


ITU Standardization Assembly roadmap calls for collaboration in standards adoption

The Global Symposium (GSS-24) held earlier raised the need to broaden consensus to arrive at new standards on highly contested issues such as AI, 6G or D2D. It warns that concrete actions must be taken to prevent a widening of the digital divide between nations.

Globales · Regulation


ITU Standardization Assembly roadmap calls for collaboration in standards adoption

The Global Symposium (GSS-24) held earlier raised the need to broaden consensus to arrive at new standards on highly contested issues such as AI, 6G or D2D. It warns that concrete actions must be taken to prevent a widening of the digital divide between nations.

Argentina · Software and Applications · Regulation


AI regulation in Argentina, facing the challenge of arriving at a single project

Nineteen legislative initiatives are on the table at the beginning of the parliamentary discussion. The projects are divided into two: on the one hand, to protect AI-powered businesses; on the other hand, to highlight ethical aspects and protect the public from possible risks.

Globales · Software and Applications · Economy


The M&A ICT market is recovering, though still far from 2021 levels

The capital markets are being drawn by advancements in GenAI, cybersecurity software, the consolidation of telecommunications service firms, and the expansion of streaming services. On the other hand, there are financial conditions that favor investment, such as an excess of capital and lower interest rates.

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