Carriers Map Day 2024 - 24, 25 de Septiembre
Tuesday, February 27, 2024

MWC Barcelona 2024

Breton considers that €200 billion is needed for the EU to equip itself with a new global digital network

The Commissioner for Internal Market of the European Commission, Thierry Breton, also called for public-private participation in driving regulation adapted to the present-day context. He recalled that current regulations were passed 25 years ago, so it is necessary to "review what is working well and what is not."

Breton sees it as "absolutely essential to work now on the right digital infrastructure" for all services. That is why a consultation has been launched for all entrepreneurs. His presence at the MWC comes after presenting the European Commission's White Paper, which lays the groundwork for a future Digital Networks Law.

In the conference "Changing the DNA of our connectivity infrastructure," the Commissioner based the development of digital networks on three pillars. The first of these refers to investment in research and deployment with the ambition to increase the EU's technological leadership. On the other hand, he advocated for a Digital Single Market. "We need a true digital single market to facilitate the emergence of pan-European operators with the same scale and business opportunities as their colleagues," he noted. Lastly, he advocated for protecting digital network infrastructure to make it resilient and secure.

Last news and analysis

Costa Rica · Internet & OTT · Operators


Racsa launched its wireless broadband service over 5G for enterprises

Globales · Equipment Providers and Network Solutions


CommScope sold its OWN and DAS businesses to Amphenol Corporation for US$2.1 billion

Globales · Software and Applications


CrowdStrike flaw to cost up to US$ 15 billion to companies

This is an estimate by the insurer Parametrix, which said that in the US alone, and in a partial estimate, the damage could be estimated at US$ 5.4 billion. The cybersecurity firm attributed the event to an error in a validator.

Brasil · Regulation · Operators


Aneel terminates the pole sharing process and there are complaints from operators

The National Electric Energy Agency assured that it will restart the debate to regulate the issue. The telecommunications regulator Anatel expressed its disagreement, as did the associations representing the operators.

México · Terrestrial Backbones


The fiber optic network between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean is already under construction in Tehuantepec

The 1,200 kilometer network will cross the 200 kilometers of the Isthmus and will also connect towns in Oaxaca, Veracruz, Chiapas and Tabasco. The fiber will have 144 strands and will run parallel to the railway line. It will also extend to Guatemala.

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