Convergencia Research, Consultoría especializada en Latinoamérica y Caribe
Monday, April 13, 2015

Minister of industry resignes and Vice minister of Telecommunications resignation submittal confirmed

The officials submitted their resignations by order of the President of the Republic , Luis Guillermo Solis. Gisela Kopper, who since May headed the Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunications, announced her decision through a press release containing the resignation letter she sent to the president.

"I do hereby write to you to irrevocably submit my resignation" it begins. Then it states that "I respected the appointment you made of Vice Minister of Telecommunications (...) having confidence on his good judgment and on the technical capabilities stated in his curriculum. However, I requested the dismissal of the staff for loss of trust in his management and for not sharing the view in the development of telecommunications. It was very difficult for me to work with an officer on whom I had lost confidence due to multiple reasons". 

Meanwhile, Allan Ruiz, current former Vice Minister of Telecommunications, also presented his resignation, which had been asked for by Kopper and afterwards by Solís himself. According to the radio station Columbia, Ruiz said he could continue working in the public service at an embassy, ??though he did not specify which one.

Last week, through various discussions, remarks to the second draft of the the bill on Radio and Televison Law were made because it applied penalties to media on content. It was also noted that the text had identical sentences to those contained in regulations of other countries. because of this, Ruiz admitted he had not read the initiative and Kopper asked him to resign, but president Solis extended this order to the person being the Minister by those times.

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