Tuesday, April 23, 2019

IFT expects a minimum collection of US$16 million for satellite spectrum tender

The Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFT) (Telecom regulator) will tender spectrum for satellite add-on. They are two blocks of 20 MHz of national coverage that will be awarded at the end of August and for 15 years. The companies HNS and Omnitracs are the natural candidates to take over this resource.

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Panamá · Politics02/05/2024

Panama goes to the presidential election in a framework of high uncertainty

Four days before the elections, the Supreme Court is studying the case of the candidate leading the polls, José Raúl Mulino, who could be vetoed for not complying with the electoral procedures. The country faces an economy hit by the drought affecting the Panama Canal and a population angry with the rise in food prices. Telecommunications, absent from the public debate.

Argentina · Equipment Providers and Network Solutions02/05/2024

Tecnored was awarded by Huawei as VAP Partner of the Year at an event held in Mexico

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