Thursday, August 03, 2023

"Our goal is to promote 5G and not insist on 4G"

arco Antonio Baten Ruiz, head of the Superintendence of Telecommunications of Guatema (SIT), assured that the call for tenders for 60 MHz in the 700 MHz band to be used in fifth generation will be published in mid-September. In June, the tender for 120 MHz in 2.5 and 2.6 GHz was completed, which was awarded to Claro and Tigo. In addition, it licensed Starlink and prepares the arrival of Kuiper.

-Convergencialatina: How do you define the evolution of Guatemala in telecommunications?

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América Latina · Operators12/02/2025

América Móvil's profits fall almost 50% due to exchange rate volatility

Net profits amounted to US$453 million. Total revenues for the period reached US$11.35 billion, up 18% year-on-year. In addition, 2.1 million new postpaid mobile subscribers and 320,000 new broadband connections were added.

Brasil · Mobile · Internet & OTT31/01/2025

Competition increases in Brazilian mobile market

While major operators have achieved good results during 2024, they will have to deepen their search for solutions that allow them to monetize their services, especially with 5G.

Paraguay · Regulation · Operators09/12/2024

The details of the draft tender documents for the 5G tender

Opens the possibility for international operators with no current presence in the country to participate. It establishes licenses for only five years, which will be questioned by participants. It also does not resolve the differences that may arise from the obligation to share infrastructure.

Chile · Operators05/12/2024

Growth of Internet accesses boosts Chilean market

Mobile Internet connections grew by over 22% year-on-year in the third quarter of 2024, while fixed connections increased by 3.1% in the same period. Significant increase in Starlink's share and stagnation of incumbent operators.

Ecuador · Operators28/11/2024

New suspension of negotiations for Claro and Movistar licenses

The regulator Arcotel decided this because the Ministry of Economy and Finance has not yet issued an opinion on the economic impact of the renewal of the licenses. It is unlikely that this document will be issued before the presidential elections of February 2025.

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A DIARIO LATINO 16-02-2025

Uruguay · Operators 14/02/2025

Alejandro Paz would be Antel president

El Salvador · Software and Applications · Regulation 14/02/2025

Bitcoin as legal tender: the Salvadoran case

Globales · Software and Applications · Politics 14/02/2025

TikTok returns to Apple and Google app stores in the US

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