Monday, November 06, 2023

Personal Data Protection Bill enters final stage, with criticism from ICT sector

It incorporates international standards, especially the European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data, among other regulations. It seeks to replace the law passed in 2000 with the most important change: guaranteeing the right of people to the protection of their personal data and informative self-determination from a human rights perspective. The Lower House has until November 20 to discuss the project.

On June 30, the Personal Data Protection Bill entered the House of Deputies. Sent by the National Executive Branch, it proposes the update of Law 25,326, enacted in October 2000. Five of the 83 articles were incorporated based on the results of the participation process through 11 dialogue tables and the public consultation carried out between September and October 2022.

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El Salvador · Software and Applications · Regulation14/02/2025

Bitcoin as legal tender: the Salvadoran case

Juan Carlos Reyes, president of the National Commission of Digital Assets (CNAD) of El Salvador, describes the characteristics of that country's regulatory body to ensure the adoption of cryptocurrency.

Ecuador · Economy · Politics07/02/2025

Candidates' proposals on telecommunications and development in the technological field

Some candidates are campaigning with extensive experience in the technological and telecommunications fields. This is the case of Enrique Gómez, from the Suma movement, and Iván Cueva, from the Amigo movement. Others, such as Luisa González, candidate for Revolución Ciudadana, incorporates the subject as a central point of her Government Plan. Daniel Noboa, who is seeking reelection, includes investments in infrastructure.

Globales · Internet & OTT · Politics06/02/2025

Net neutrality is once again under debate

A U.S. federal appeals court ruling determined that the FCC does not have the authority to impose this concept on ISPs. Big tech lost the fight with communications service providers. Impact on Europe.

Ecuador · Politics05/02/2025

Noboa emerges as the frontrunner for the presidential election

On the upcoming February 9th, Ecuadorians will return to the polls to choose, among 16 candidates, the representative who will occupy the seat at the Palacio de Carondelet. Which tickets have the highest chances of winning, and what is the current state of the electoral landscape?

Argentina · Regulation · Politics03/02/2025

2025 started with a Federal Universal Service Fund that was dissolved but still in force and surrounded by questions

The regulator Enacom determined that the operators must continue to make the contribution, although they do not know how it will be used or which agency will receive it.

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A DIARIO LATINO 16-02-2025

Uruguay · Operators 14/02/2025

Alejandro Paz would be Antel president

El Salvador · Software and Applications · Regulation 14/02/2025

Bitcoin as legal tender: the Salvadoran case

Globales · Software and Applications · Politics 14/02/2025

TikTok returns to Apple and Google app stores in the US

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