Tuesday, February 27, 2024

MWC Barcelona 2024

ZTE Mobile Devices presents its new line of products

In Barcelona, Nubia launched the Nubia Pad 3D II, the first 5G+AI glasses-free 3D tablet. It's equipped with Neovision 3D Anytime technology, which supports real-time free conversion from 2D to 3D at the system level. This model supports 5G communication.

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El Salvador · Software and Applications · Regulation14/02/2025

Bitcoin as legal tender: the Salvadoran case

Juan Carlos Reyes, president of the National Commission of Digital Assets (CNAD) of El Salvador, describes the characteristics of that country's regulatory body to ensure the adoption of cryptocurrency.

Globales · Data Center13/02/2025

The new AI-Ready profile of data centers: training, inference and weight of the energy factor

McKinsey estimates AI Data Centers to show average annual growth rate of 35% until 2030. The key to infrastructure.

América Latina · Operators12/02/2025

América Móvil's profits fall almost 50% due to exchange rate volatility

Net profits amounted to US$453 million. Total revenues for the period reached US$11.35 billion, up 18% year-on-year. In addition, 2.1 million new postpaid mobile subscribers and 320,000 new broadband connections were added.

América Latina · Submarine Cables · Data Center11/02/2025

Latin American wholesale ecosystem prepares to support AI Everywhere

The impact that artificial intelligence can have on traffic models is one of the determining factors for data center projects, terrestrial networks and submarine cables still on their way in Latin America.

Argentina · Data Center10/02/2025

Arsat applies AIOps in its Data Center NOC

It integrated Red Hat's OpenShift AI, as well as composable architectures and models such as Granite 3.0. The goal is to be able to address key challenges in its daily operation, with improved response times, resource management and data privacy.

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A DIARIO LATINO 16-02-2025

Uruguay · Operators 14/02/2025

Alejandro Paz would be Antel president

El Salvador · Software and Applications · Regulation 14/02/2025

Bitcoin as legal tender: the Salvadoran case

Globales · Software and Applications · Politics 14/02/2025

TikTok returns to Apple and Google app stores in the US

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