Monday, July 15, 2024

Oscar León: “We are making progress in WRC23 decisions implementation”

The head of the Inter-American Telecommunications Commission (CITEL) explains that in the recent regional conferences in Montevideo and Panama, the operational and regulatory debate was structured that will also allow work on the points on the agenda of the next WRC27.

The two permanent advisory committees of CITEL are on the path to adopting the decisions of WRC23 and starting the debate for WRC27. In April, CCP II met in Montevideo, with a mandate on spectrum and orbits among others, and in May, in Panama, CCP I (policies and normalization) met. Oscar León, president of CITEL, gives details of what was discussed.

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Argentina · Regulation24/02/2025

"We want to have spectrum planning for 10 years"

Juan Martín Ozores is ENACOM's interventor. He indicates the needs of the country: a national connectivity plan, the contribution of the telecommunications infrastructure to the project of an AI hub in the country, and the lack of affordability of the 5G devices, among other topics.

Brasil · Regulation · Spectrum21/02/2025

Use of the 6 GHz band generates controversy among Brazilian operators

At the end of 2024, Anatel launched a signal for sharing that band between WiFi and mobile services, whereas until then, it had been exclusively allocated for unlicensed services

Argentina · Regulation · Politics18/02/2025

Argentina's laissez-faire path in Milei's first year

The Argentine government's telecommunications agenda faced five issues simultaneously: the satellite issue, the “cultural battle”, intervention of the regulatory agency (Enacom), liberalization of the telecommunications market and the nuclear plan aimed at feeding the energy needs of AI data centers.

El Salvador · Software and Applications · Regulation14/02/2025

Bitcoin as legal tender: the Salvadoran case

Juan Carlos Reyes, president of the National Commission of Digital Assets (CNAD) of El Salvador, describes the characteristics of that country's regulatory body to ensure the adoption of cryptocurrency.

Ecuador · Economy · Politics07/02/2025

Candidates' proposals on telecommunications and development in the technological field

Some candidates are campaigning with extensive experience in the technological and telecommunications fields. This is the case of Enrique Gómez, from the Suma movement, and Iván Cueva, from the Amigo movement. Others, such as Luisa González, candidate for Revolución Ciudadana, incorporates the subject as a central point of her Government Plan. Daniel Noboa, who is seeking reelection, includes investments in infrastructure.

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A DIARIO LATINO 06-03-2025

Colombia · Fixed Broadband · Voice Services · Pay TV 06/03/2025

Fixed fiber-optic Internet accesses grew 20% during the second half of 2024

Globales · Operators 06/03/2025

Globales · Operators 06/03/2025

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