Tuesday, July 23, 2024

The fiber optic network between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean is already under construction in Tehuantepec

The 1,200 kilometer network will cross the 200 kilometers of the Isthmus and will also connect towns in Oaxaca, Veracruz, Chiapas and Tabasco. The fiber will have 144 strands and will run parallel to the railway line. It will also extend to Guatemala.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has begun deploying fiber optic infrastructure in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, which spans 200 kilometers between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean.

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Chile · Submarine Cables09/01/2025

The Humboldt to connect with the networks of Argentina and Brazil

Desarrollo País is looking for an investment partner to bring fiber optics from the mooring point of the future submarine cable to Argentina through a new route south of Santiago. The objective is for this connectivity to reach the main Latin American markets.

América Latina · Submarine Cables · Data Center23/12/2024

“We want to accelerate investments to take advantage of growth opportunities.”

Facundo Castro, CEO of Cirion, details the company's strategy: to advance with developing of ecosystems that make customer operations more efficient when transacting with each other within a design of interconnected data centers. In the first half of 2025, construction of the new data centers in Lima and Santiago will be completed, the SAC-2 submarine cable will start operating, and construction will begin on a new 60 MW data center in Rio de Janeiro. In 2024, the replacement of Lumen's legacy systems was completed. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Brasil · Fixed Broadband · Regulation20/11/2024

Fixed broadband market seeks solutions to its growing problems

In a business involving nearly 20,000 providers and 50 million subscribers, large operators, small-sized providers and the regulator seek compliance with current regulations in order to avoid chaos.

Argentina · Fixed Broadband · Operators07/10/2024

First Telecommunications Infrastructure Financial Trust comes into play

It was issued last August to the operator Sion, for approximately US$10.5 million, to fund the deployment of FTTH in regions of Argentina and to complete the migration of Movistar customers.

Globales · Fixed Broadband · Equipment Providers and Network Solutions28/08/2024

5G boosts FWA CPE and LTE's weight falls

Fixed wireless access devices installed at 5G clients now account for 42% of the total, up from 34% a year ago. Meanwhile, 4G devices fell by 5% in 2023. 30 providers responded to the sector survey, conducted by the GSA.

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