Thursday, January 26, 2023

Telecommunications, science and innovation, part of new Law of Attorney General of the Republic

Pending its regulation, the functions of the Office of the Attorney General include the use of advances in science, technology and innovation. In addition, it calls for free access to public information generated by this state body.

On January 13, Law number 160 was published in the Official Gazette, which regulates the organization and operation of the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic (Spanish: Fiscalía General de la República, FGR). It had been approved by the National Assembly of People's Power a month earlier, in the session of December 14, 2022, corresponding to the Tenth Ordinary Period of Sessions of the IX Legislature.

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Globales · Software and Applications25/07/2024

CrowdStrike flaw to cost up to US$ 15 billion to companies

This is an estimate by the insurer Parametrix, which said that in the US alone, and in a partial estimate, the damage could be estimated at US$ 5.4 billion. The cybersecurity firm attributed the event to an error in a validator.

Brasil · Regulation · Operators24/07/2024

Aneel terminates the pole sharing process and there are complaints from operators

The National Electric Energy Agency assured that it will restart the debate to regulate the issue. The telecommunications regulator Anatel expressed its disagreement, as did the associations representing the operators.

Argentina · Regulation · Politics22/07/2024

The Undersecretariat of Information and Communication Technologies was created

Decree 644/2024 modified the organizational chart of the Cabinet Chief's Office. The new dependency is assigned the function of proposing plans and programs for the application of the Universal Service Trust Fund and assisting in the oversight of the regulatory entity Enacom.

México · Terrestrial Backbones23/07/2024

The fiber optic network between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean is already under construction in Tehuantepec

The 1,200 kilometer network will cross the 200 kilometers of the Isthmus and will also connect towns in Oaxaca, Veracruz, Chiapas and Tabasco. The fiber will have 144 strands and will run parallel to the railway line. It will also extend to Guatemala.

América Latina · Satellites19/07/2024

LEO, MEO and GEO open new business era

At Satellite Map Day it was made sufficiently clear that the orbits are complementary and that each user must find the combination that best suits their needs. In this search, the factors to take into account have variable weighting: budget, integration, support, expertise, among others.

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A DIARIO LATINO 27-07-2024

Chile · Mobile · Operators · Spectrum 26/07/2024

Movistar withdraws its consultation before the TDLC on spectrum limits.

Brasil · Operators 26/07/2024

Brisanet launched its 5G service in Fortaleza

Costa Rica · Internet & OTT · Operators 26/07/2024

Racsa launched its wireless broadband service over 5G for enterprises

Globales · Equipment Providers and Network Solutions 26/07/2024

CommScope sold its OWN and DAS businesses to Amphenol Corporation for US$2.1 billion

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