Thursday, November 02, 2023

The plan to bring broadband to the whole island

It will deploy networks with the capacity to bring 100 Mbps to all homes and businesses. Fiber optics and wireless technologies will be used. It will also improve resilience to the climatic phenomena that periodically affect the island. Technical training will be provided to train human resources.

Puerto Rico is immersed in a five-year Action Plan aimed at bringing 100 Mbps broadband to every corner of the island by 2027.

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Globales · Fixed Broadband · Equipment Providers and Network Solutions28/08/2024

5G boosts FWA CPE and LTE's weight falls

Fixed wireless access devices installed at 5G clients now account for 42% of the total, up from 34% a year ago. Meanwhile, 4G devices fell by 5% in 2023. 30 providers responded to the sector survey, conducted by the GSA.

Globales · Mobile · Equipment Providers and Network Solutions23/08/2024

5G private networks: the challenge of proving to be more efficient than LTE and more economical than WiFi

Experiences like that of the British port of Southampton, which has had an implementation in place for three years, offer some conclusions, such as guaranteed connectivity that increases productivity. It also highlights that the challenge of implementing private 5G networks lies in integrating various technologies.

Argentina · Fixed Broadband · Operators22/08/2024

Own vs. shared networks: divided waters among medium-sized providers

The cases of DirecTV, Iplan, Metrotel, Sion, Gigared and Súper, all mid-sized ICT providers, illustrate two different growth models in FTTH: those that opt for network sharing and those that prefer their own networks.

Argentina · Operators15/08/2024

X-ray of fixed broadband and FTTH in Argentina

The big three operators have plans to expand the fiber optics footprint. Movistar is advancing with its own network and is also supported by agreements with neutral networks. Claro aims to deploy fiber throughout the country. Telecom accelerates the adoption of fiber and is the one that grows the most.

América Latina · Fixed Broadband · Operators12/08/2024

Technologies to optimize and monetize indoor connectivity

Mesh networks are part of the package of large operators but not of smaller ones, which prefer to offer normal WiFi extensions. The use of the Fiber to the Room concept, currently with low use, could be expanded.

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A DIARIO LATINO 15-09-2024

América Latina · Mobile · Regulation 13/09/2024

Asunción Convergente: Towards a regulated and secure digital future

Globales · Software and Applications · Regulation · Politics 13/09/2024

ITU: Africa is the continent that made the most progress in cybersecurity since 2021

Globales · Mobile · Satellites 13/09/2024

AST SpaceMobile launches first cellular broadband satellites

Globales · Software and Applications · Operators 13/09/2024

Ericsson and major operators form 5G API group

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